Page 1: StartingPage 2: The BasePage 3: ModificationPage 4: Disaster |  Page 5: Painting |  Page 6: Finishing


Looking back up to the top of this article, you can find the image I used for inspiration. The key to doing the dazzle scheme is to envision how the object you're trying to mask would look from different angles, and combine patterns of those shapes onto the surface. I'll be using a lot of arcs (from the shoulders) and acute angles (from the front torso) in my design, which will hopefully make it hard to tell which way this 'Mech is facing. The first set of patterns I applied was done with Reaper Elderberry paint.

The dazzle scheme I chose has a lot of colors, and I chose to do the base coat with Reaper Elderberry and Astral Blue, Delta Black, VMC Dark Sea Gray, and RMS Ghost White. This is probably the most work I have ever put into a base coat, with the possible exception of some Lyran Jaegers schemes (in which half of the 'Mech is covered in checkers).

With the basecoat done, it's time to do some shading. To get the detail right, I'd like to start with some washes. With 5 base colors, this is a big pain in the neck because if washes bleed between colors, it will screw up the coloration. I did spot washes with RP Purple Ink and Dark Blue Ink, GW Black Ink, and VMA Dark Gray Blue (each mixed with water and Future floor wax).

With the washes dry (and I must emphasize DRY), the highlighting can be done. I added a tad of white to each of the base colors and highlighted some raised areas.

Next, I painted the tiny cockpit with GW reds, starting with Scab Red. when it was completely dry, I blended Red Gore and Blood Red onto it. At this point, I also did the detailing of the joints (Reaper Steel Plate) and weapons (blending of GW Bolt Gun, Chainmail, and Mithril Silver).


Page 1: StartingPage 2: The BasePage 3: ModificationPage 4: Disaster |  Page 5: Painting |  Page 6: Finishing