Inner Sphere Unit Pictures

Mech Picture "2nd Sword of Light lance"
This Invasion-era lance has a Mongoose, Sentinel, Jenner, and Panther.

STATUS: Completed 11/2022.

Mech Picture "House Ma Tsu Kai lance"
This lance has a Wraith, Vindicator, Ostroc, and Assassin. The minis are early production models, and it was painted to help promote the Alpha Strike boxed set and 2023 Kickstarter.

STATUS: Completed 11/2022.

Mech Picture "Ryuken Go lance"
This Invasion-era lance has a Hunchback, Victor, Crusader, Phoenix Hawk, and Striker vehicle.

STATUS: Completed 08/2022.

Mech Picture "3rd Crucis Lancers lance"
This lance has a metal Jagermech and Grasshopper from the beginner sets, and a plastic Clint and Hatchetman from the Alpha Strike sets.

STATUS: Completed 03/2022

Mech Picture "7th Army Tukayyid Level II"
The paint jobs on these Comstar mechs were inspired by the art in the Battle of Tukayyid campaign supplement. These are all minis from the Kickstarter. The unit includes Marauder, Warhammer, Shadow Hawk, Archer, Phoenix Hawk, and Rifleman.

STATUS: Completed 07/2021.

Mech Picture "52nd Shadow Division Celestials"
This is a set of Word of Blake omnimechs, including Preta, Deva, Archangel, Seraph, Grigori, and Malak.

STATUS: Completed 07/2021.

Mech Picture "Kenny Ryan's Lance, The Rock"
These minis were originally intended for the Camospecs Online diorama at GenCon 2020, but the mini-diorama that they were a part of was cut when we re-worked things to accomodate a virtual GenCon (due to pandemic). Represented here are pirate forces on The Rock for a battle with the Kell Hounds during the opening of the Clan Invasion: Kenny Ryan's lance (Ryan's Rebels), including a Griffin, Rifleman, and Panther. Not shown is a Locust that was part of the lance, and would have been destroyed prior to the battle depicted in the diorama (I had originally planned to paint the Locust too, but didn't once the scene was cut).

STATUS: Completed 07/2020.

Mech Picture "Wolf's Dragoons Zeta Galaxy Force"
These minis are from the Camospecs Online diorama at GenCon 2018. The diorama helped to promote the new boxed sets, and some of the minis are prototypes of the figures contained within. Elements of Zeta Galaxy include Battlemaster, Thunderbolt, Zeus, and Awesome.

STATUS: Completed 07/2018.

Mech Picture "Kurita 8th Sword of Light Force"
These minis are from the Camospecs Online diorama at GenCon 2018. The diorama helped to promote the new boxed sets, and some of the minis are prototypes of the figures contained within. Elements of the 8th SOL include Battlemaster, Wolverine, Quickdraw, and Locust.

STATUS: Completed 07/2018.

Mech Picture "Lyran Royal Guard Combat Lance"
This Lyran Royal Guard lance is made with plastic minis from the 2013 boxed sets, which I reposed for a more dynamic look. This was originally developed for a project that did not make it out of the planning phase. The mechs include Catapult, Trebuchet, Whitworth, and Zeus.

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture "1st FedSuns Armored Cavalry Combat Lance"
This FedSuns lance is made with plastic minis from the 2013 boxed sets, which I reposed for a more dynamic look. This was originally developed for a project that did not make it out of the planning phase. The mechs include Centurion, Jagermech, Blackjack, and Enforcer.

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture "Kurita 5th Sword of Light Force"
This is a set of Kurita minis I painted in 2016 for Combat Manual: Kurita, which is focused on the Alpha Strike ruleset. The Hunchback, Panther, Jenner, Dragon, Spider, and Cyclops are plastics from the Introductory Boxed Set, while the "classic" Marauder is a prototype (and will hopefully go into production some day).

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture "Redjack Ryan Pirate Force"
This is a set of Redjack Ryan minis I painted in 2016. The Jenner and Panther are plastics from the Introductory Boxed Set, while the Sai and Hammerhead are metal.

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture "Kurita 12th Ghost Lance"
This is a lance of 12th Ghost 'Mechs I painted for the cover of IWM's Kurita Boxed set, released in late 2005.

STATUS: Completed 10/2005.

Mech Picture "Burton's Brigade Units"
Here is a group of minis I painted for Burton's Brigade. This was originally done as a promo for the Kings and Pawns event in 2004, and later the Grasshopper was used in the book Mercenaries Supplemental 2.

STATUS: Completed 01/2005.

Mech Picture "MW4 Star League unit in Cyanide Camo"
This is a unit painted in a scheme from the MW4 video game. There is an Uziel, Thanatos, Raven, and Atlas.

STATUS: Completed 10/2003.

Mech Picture "17th Donegal Guards Lance"
Here is a 17th Donegal Guards lance (note the Cheshire Cat logo). This unit consists of a Black Angel (a fan-casting custom mech), Scorpion, Longbow, and Valkyrie.

STATUS: Completed 10/2003.

Mech Picture "4th Donegal Guards Lance"
Here is another 4th Donegal Guards lance. This is a heavy lance in 3062 colors, consisting of a Gallowglas, Catapult, Hatchetman, and Hunchback.

STATUS: Completed 06/2003. Touched up and re-photographed, 06/2021.

Mech Picture "Lyran Regulars Alpine Lance"
I built up this alpine camo lance over the course of a few years early on (1998-2001). It was designed as a fun-to-play medium lance from 3025 (4th Succession War) era. It includes a Rifleman, Enforcer, Trebuchet, Vulcan, and Hunter tank.

STATUS: Completed 10/2001. Touched up and re-photographed, 06/2021.

Mech Picture "Davion Heavy Guard Lance"
This is a Davion Heavy Guards assault lance consisting of a Devastator, Marauder, Warhammer, and Templar. It is augmented by a Buccaneer serving as a scout.

Mech Picture "2nd Genyosha Battalion"
That's right, here's 36 mechs painted in a matching scheme. Most of them are heavies and assaults, so this is one grim fighting force.

Mech Picture "11th Lyran Regulars Assault Group"
This is another paint scheme that I like, my interpretation on the LR scheme in the FM:LA. When mindful of variants, this mix of mechs / vehicles can be used effectively in virtually any time frame. The set is: Rifleman, Atlas, Drillson, Banshee, and Axeman.

Mech Picture "Lyran Regulars Fast Attack Lance"
I like this paint scheme. :) The lance itself is pretty brutal, also. The mechs are fast and can overtake a retreating enemy force and dismember it. From the left: Blitzkrieg, Griffin, Wolfhound, Scarabus.

Mech Picture "Kearny Highlanders"
Here is a lance of Kearny Highlanders mechs in a traditional Scottish kilt paint scheme. Clockwise from upper left: Black Knight, Highlander, Blackwatch, Tempest.

Mech Picture "FedCom RCT Lance"
This 3058-era assault lance is painted in the colors of the 1st FedCom Regimental Combat Team (RCT), as seen in the FM: Federated Suns. Clockwise from the left is Devastator, Rakshasa, Salamander, and Nightstar.

Mech Picture "Kurita Assault Lance"
Here is a modern-tech 3060 Kurita Assault Lance. It has a flashy white and green Draconis Combine paint scheme, and each mech is a DC design. From the left is O Bakemono, No Dachi, Tai Sho, and Akuma.

Mech Picture "Marik Attack Lance"
Here is a modern-tech Marik attack lance. It has an eye-catching tan autumn camo with white and purple markings. Each mech has Free Worlds League detailing, and each one can often be found on FWL rosters. Clockwise from the left is Albatross, Toyama, Perseus, and Huron Warrior.

Mech Picture "Arctic Lance"
This is a white / gray arctic camo lance with custom merc insignia. I like how it came out. It contains an Atlas, Goliath, Daishi, and Battlemaster.

Mech Picture "Zebra Lance"
This is a House Marik omnimech unit that contains 3 captured clan mechs. From the left: Nova Cat, Madcat, Vulture, and Avatar.

Mech Picture "Kurita Unit (2 lances)"
This is a 3-tone green camo Kurita unit. It's 2 lances, but the Avatar that finishes it is not pictured. Clockwise from the upper left is: Sentinel, Sunder, Katana, Dragon, Dragon Fire, Maelstrom, and Black Hawk Ku.

Mech Picture "Davion Alpine Lance"
Here's a heavy lance in my signature alpine camo paint scheme. From the left is Bandersnatch, Penetrator, Yeoman, and Falconer.

Mech Picture "Lyran Guard Lance"
This is a Lyran Guard lance that was one of my first custom jobs. It's not terrible, but I sure have improved since then! From the left is Wasp, Hornet, Banshee, Stinger, and Valkyrie.

Mech Picture Desert Marik Lance
This is a desert camo Marik lance with a Blackjack, Cougar, Owens, and Bushwacker.

Mech Picture "Steiner Lance"
This is an early lance that I painted, back in 1993. It is an early 3050 Lyran Regulars lance, with a Thunderbolt, Griffin, Flea, and Axeman.

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