Sculpts of the Wraith:
- Original sculpt (1995?) - left arms gun pack is the only piece aside from main body
- Resculpt (2000?) - has separate arms
- Alpha Strike Boxed Set (ASBS) sculpt (2023), base a6.
ASBS sculpt
This Wraith is painted in a House Ma Tsu Kai scheme.STATUS: Completed 11/2022.
Old casting
This Wraith is painted in a solid green Liao scheme. The green used has a sort of jade-like appearnace. This mini is mounted on a custom rock-like base.STATUS: Completed, 6/2003.
"The Roach"
New casting
This Wraith is painted in the colors of House Marik's Free Worlds Legionnaires. It also has one of my custom rock-like hex bases.STATUS: Completed, 10/2002. Sold, 2/2003.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20230425