
Scorpion is one of the "unseen" lawsuit mechs. The image for it originally came from the anime series Dougram: Fang of the Sun, where it was known as "Blizzard Gunner". In 2003, a "reseen" version was released based on all-new art.

Mech Picture Reseen casting
This Scorpion is painted in the markings of the 17th Donegal Guard. Text on the legs reads "chead / troid", indicating this mech's assignment to 1st battalion, fighting company.

STATUS: Custom job, complete 10/2003.

Mech Picture Unseen casting
Scorpion is one of the earliest quad mechs. The mini has size and shape such that it doesn't fit on a standard hex base, so I made a metal base plate for it. The mech has a three tone airbrush scrubland/ambush paint scheme, and Kurita markings.

STATUS: Sold, 11/1999.

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Last updated 20031025