The Hunchback is related to the Clan Hunchback IIC mech. Released sculpts of the Hunchback:There has been a long-raging debate about the location of the cockpit in the original art; some say it's on the sides of the angled "head", and others say it's the slit in the middle of the chest; I generally paint it so either is believable. For the revised 2020 art, the cockpit is unambiguously in the head.
- The original casting (late 1980s)
- Beginner Set 2 and 7 (2004) which features a pre-attached partial hexbase.
- Sword and Dragon Meckpack version (around 2006) with modified weapons
- XTRO version (around 2012) with RAC and running pose
- Alpha Strike (AS) plastic sculpt, base #12 from the Battletech Introductory Boxed Set (2013). This version is nearly identical to the Beginner Set sculpt but in plastic.
- "Classic" Kickstarter (KS) plastic sculpt, Inner Sphere Urban Lance (2021)
KS sculpt
This Hunchback is painted in a Ryuken Go scheme.STATUS: Completed 03/2022.
AS sculpt
This Hunchback is painted in a 9th Lyran Regulars scheme. It has been modified into a running pose.STATUS: Completed 06/2016.
AS sculpt
This Hunchback is painted in a 5th Sword of Light scheme. It is featured in painting tutorial I wrote for Combat Manual Kurita which starts on page 106.STATUS: Completed 06/2016.
XTRO casting
This Hunchback is in a Knights of the Inner Sphere scheme, and was featured in the CSO diorama at Gencon 2014.STATUS: Completed and sold 08/2014.
Sword and Dragon casting
This mini is in urban camo in the scheme for Longwood's Bluecoats. It features the Bluecoats' pikeman logo down the right torso.STATUS: Completed 7/2008.
Original casting
This mech has been painted in the colors of the 4th Donegal Guard. The text on the mini is in Cyrillic.STATUS: Part of Dave's collection, completed 6/2003.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20230425