
The Hunchback is related to the Clan Hunchback IIC mech. Released sculpts of the Hunchback: There has been a long-raging debate about the location of the cockpit in the original art; some say it's on the sides of the angled "head", and others say it's the slit in the middle of the chest; I generally paint it so either is believable. For the revised 2020 art, the cockpit is unambiguously in the head.

Mech Picture KS sculpt
This Hunchback is painted in a Ryuken Go scheme.

STATUS: Completed 03/2022.

Mech Picture AS sculpt
This Hunchback is painted in a 9th Lyran Regulars scheme. It has been modified into a running pose.

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture AS sculpt
This Hunchback is painted in a 5th Sword of Light scheme. It is featured in painting tutorial I wrote for Combat Manual Kurita which starts on page 106.

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture XTRO casting
This Hunchback is in a Knights of the Inner Sphere scheme, and was featured in the CSO diorama at Gencon 2014.

STATUS: Completed and sold 08/2014.

Mech Picture Sword and Dragon casting
This mini is in urban camo in the scheme for Longwood's Bluecoats. It features the Bluecoats' pikeman logo down the right torso.

STATUS: Completed 7/2008.

Mech Picture Beginner Set casting
This Hunchback has been painted in a purple Marik scheme. It was part of a set including an Enforcer, Cicada, and Hermes II painted for Randall Bills to use as prizes for Gencon 2005.

STATUS: Completed 7/2005 and delivered to GenCon.

Mech Picture Beginner Set casting
This mech is painted in the colors of the Gray Death Legion.
This mini appears on the inner box of the Classic Battletech Introductory Box Set.
This mini appears on page 16 of the Painting and Tactics Guide from the Classic Battletech Introductory Box Set.

STATUS: Completed 1/2005. Sold, 5/2005.

Mech Picture "Saschok"
Original casting
This mech has been painted in the colors of the 4th Donegal Guard. The text on the mini is in Cyrillic.

STATUS: Part of Dave's collection, completed 6/2003.

Mech Picture "Sword of Light"
Original casting
The Hunchback is one of the more popular mechs from 3025, being one of the best mechs from the time to carry the mighty AC-20. This mini is painted in the orange-red colors of house Kurita's Elite unit, the Sword of Light. The paint scheme was taken from the Regimental Camo Specs guide.

STATUS: Sold, 11/1999.

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