Hermes II

Sculpts include: Related mechs include the Hermes (light).

Mech Picture Beginner set sculpt
This Hermes II has been painted in a purple Marik scheme. It was part of a set including an Enforcer, Cicada, and Hunchback painted for Randall Bills to use as prizes for Gencon 2005.
This mini appears on the inner box of the Classic Battletech Introductory Box Set.
This mini appears on page 13 of the Painting and Tactics Guide from the Classic Battletech Introductory Box Set.

STATUS: Painted for GenCon 2005, delivered 7/2005.

Mech Picture Original sculpt
This Hermes II has been painted in a Skye Rangers scheme.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered 10/2002.

Mech Picture "Precentor Speedy"
Original sculpt
Hermes II is a scout mech that has been poking around since Star-League times, and appearing first in TR3025. This one has a solid drab green paint scheme with ComStar markings, and it is ready for serious Clan-busting recon duty. The casting dates to 1988.

STATUS: Original sculpt
Sold, July 2000.

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Last updated 20071218