Also known as "Black Jack". Sculpts include:See also Blackjack Omni.
- Original sculpt (1988)
- Alpha Strike (AS) plastic sculpt, base #30 from the Assault Lance Pack (2013). This sculpt is nearly original to the Original sculpt, but in plastic with an attached partial hex base.
- "Classic" Kickstarter (KS) plastic sculpt, Inner Sphere Striker Lance (2021)
- Wolf's Dragoons (WD) plastic sculpt, Wolf's Dragoons Assault Star (2021) base 3-3, a Barnes and Nobles Exclusive. It represents the BJ-2 variant.
- Alpha Strike Boxed Set (ASBS) sculpt (2023), base a9. It represents the BJ-3/5 variants.
WD sculpt, modified
This Blackjack is painted in a Hesperus Guards scheme. This mini has been modified to represent the BJ-5 variant.STATUS: Completed 02/2023.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20240818