Valkyrie is an "unseen" mech, whose original appearance was deemed too close to art from Robotech. Variants of the miniature:
- Unseen version (mid-1980s)
- "Reseen" Project Phoenix variant (2003) with all-new appearance
- "Classic" metal IWM resculpt (2018).
- "Classic" Kickstarter (KS) plastic sculpt, Inner Sphere Command Lance (2020). Similar to the 2018 IWM sculpt, but with a different pose and detailing on the jump jets.
KS sculpt
This Valkyrie is painted in a White Witches merc scheme.STATUS: Completed 07/2021.
Classic resculpt
I was able to get an early copy of the metal IWM Valkyrie resculpt, and painted it in this 1st FedSuns Armored Cav scheme.STATUS: Completed 05/2019.
Reseen casting
This Valkyrie has been painted in a "Euro One" generic camo scheme, with Davion markings.STATUS: Completed, 03/2011.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20240818