Sculpts:Related mechs include Urbanmech IIC, and the Urbanmech LAM (which is an in-universe fiction that they made minis for in 2024).
- Original sculpt, mid-1980s
- Kickstarter (KS) plastic sculpt (2019)
- New IWM sculpt, with parts to make R60, R60L, or AIV (2023)
- CGL UM-R60L from Urbanmech lance pack (2023), base 4-21.
- CGL UM-R60 from Urbanmech lance pack (2023), base 4-22. Slightly different from KS sculpt.
- CGL UM-R27 from Urbanmech lance pack (2023), base 4-23.
- CGL UM-R68 from Urbanmech lance pack (2023), base 4-24.
IWM R60 sculpt
This Urbanmech is painted in a 5th Donegal scheme.STATUS: Completed 07/2024.
CGL R60L sculpt
This Urbanmech is painted in a 3rd Taurian Lancers scheme.STATUS: Completed 07/2024.
Original sculpt
This Urbanmech is painted in a 26th Arcturan scheme.STATUS: Completed 02/2023.
KS sculpt
This Urbanmech is painted in a MacGregor's Armored Scouts scheme, inspired by the original Camospecs pamphlet.STATUS: Completed 07/2021.
This Urbie is painted in a solid white scheme, and has a custom ceramic hex base. STATUS: Custom job, complete 2/2003.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20240818