Uller / Kitfox

The are several castings of the Uller:

Uller Resculpt casting
This 'Mech is part of a Clan Jade Falcon Zeta Galaxy binary featured in the Alpha Strike book from 2013 on page 140. It was also used for the CJF Alpha Strike cards available at GenCon 2013.

STATUS: Completed 7/2013.

Uller Box-set casting
This Uller has been painted in the bright aquamarine colors of Clan Diamond Shark, Sigma Galaxy.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered 10/2003.

Uller Original casting
This mech is one of the early 3050 Clan omnimechs. The mini is part of a Clan Ghost Bear Star painted in a CGB snow camo scheme. The Star consists of:
  • Dragonfly
  • Uller
  • Puma
  • Fenris
  • Ryoken

STATUS: Custom job, delivered February 2001.

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