The Stinger was released in many castings. The Stinger LAM is a closely related light mech.Related mechs include the Stinger LAM and Stinger IIC.
- "Battledroids" casting, which is very rare, and probably in production for less than a year. It looks almost exactly like the Battledroids Firebee, but with less detail (my current understanding is they reworked the Stinger mini and repackaged it as the Firebee to make way for the second casting Stinger). This casting is unseen.
- The standard unseen casting is the second version, which is smaller and much more common.
- The third casting is a "reseen" version with an all-new appearance.
- There's one-piece "mini Stinger" casting of the reseen Stinger that was produced for GAMA 2004. This mini is fairly rare too.
- "Classic" Kickstarter (KS) plastic sculpt, Inner Sphere Command Lance (2020)
GAMA sculpt
This Stinger is painted in a 52nd Shadow Division scheme.STATUS: Completed 07/2024.
KS sculpt
This Stinger is painted in a 12th Star Guard scheme.STATUS: Completed 02/2021.
GAMA casting
This Stinger is in the 2nd Night Stalkers scheme.STATUS: Completed 12/2014.
Reseen casting
Here is a reseen Stinger. This one is painted in the classic red scheme of House Kurita's Sword of Light.STATUS: Completed, 5/2003.
2nd casting
This Stinger has been painted up in a Skye Rangers scheme.STATUS: Custom job, delivered 10/2002.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20240818