GLD-3R Gladiator (BD)

The Gladiator (stamp date: 1984) is another of the Robotech Veritech type designs. It is bulkier than the other Veritech-like Battledroids, implying that it might be one of the armored variants.
See also Gladiator medium mech, and Gladiator/Executioner assault mech.

Mech Picture This Gladiator is in a custom desert camo scheme.

STATUS: Completed 07/2019.

Mech Picture This Gladiator has damage to the original head. As with many BD minis, the antennae were cast from lead as an integral part of the head. They were missing on this guy, so I replaced them with steel pins. The mini is painted in a metallic blue / gray scheme like the Stinger on the back of the original Battledroids box set.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered July 2000.

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Last updated 20200613