BHN-7H Behemoth (BD)

Here is the original casting (1984) Behemoth, also known as Monster to Robotech fans. It is much larger than standard Battletech minis, yet it still came in a blister pack with "Battledroids" markings.

Behemoth This Behemoth suffered in storage for a decade before being unearthed, minus the left arm. I cleaned it up and modeled realistic battle damage to explain the loss of the arm. This mini has a 2-tone forest camo scheme, and markings of the bandit king Helmar Valasek.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered July 2000.

Behemoth This one is complete, and sports a desert camo / Clan Wolf-in-Exile paint scheme. The base is finished with desert dryland material.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered Sept. 2000.

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