
The Zeus mini has been produced in several castings:

Mech Picture KS sculpt
This Zeus is painted in a Tamar Jagers scheme, based in part on the art from the old Camospecs booklet and in part on the art in the Tamar Rising book.

STATUS: Completed 11/2021.

Mech Picture AS sculpt
This mini is from the Camospecs Online diorama at GenCon 2018. It's painted in a Wolf's Dragoons Zeta Galaxy scheme.

STATUS: Completed 07/2018.

Mech Picture AS sculpt
This miniature was reposed to give it a more dynamic look. It's part of a Lyran Royal Guard set originally commissioned for a CGL product that never finished development. The set had a Trebuchet, Catapult, Zeus, and Whitworth.

STATUS: Completed 06/2016.

Mech Picture Zeus-X Stacy version
This miniature is a Zeus X painted in Lyran markings.

STATUS: Completed 09/2015.

Mech Picture Beginner Set casting
The Beginner Set mechs are a great way to practice new techniques. Here, I was experimenting with a layering technique. For the red, there are 6-8 layers of paint, 5 for the green and blue, and 4 for the black. This mini took a really long time to paint (comparable to the Skye Jaegers scheme). Anyway, scheme and markings are for the Lyran Alliance's 4th Skye Rangers.
This mini appears on the inner box of the Classic Battletech Introductory Box Set.
This mini appears on page 15 of the Painting and Tactics Guide from the Classic Battletech Introductory Box Set.
This mini appears on the box of the Support Lance Pack (2007).

STATUS: Completed 9/2004.

Mech Picture Zeus-X Casting
This mech is painted in a simple black-green scheme. It has Lyran markings.

STATUS: Completed and sold, 02/2003.

Mech Picture "Deth Panzer"
2000 Casting
This is the new 2000 casting of Zeus, with arms that must be attached. It is a little bigger than the previous casting, and has a much more natural pose. "Deth Panzer" has a 3-tone airbrush paint scheme known as "winter ambush", used on German tanks in WWII. It has Lyran Alliance markings.

STATUS: Sold, March 2000.

Mech Picture Old Casting
The Zeus was once the Pride of the Lyran Commonwealth, but is now a common assault mech in many militaries. This mini is detailed with the insignia of the Syrtis Fusiliers, loyal to FedCom. It features a gravel-covered hex base with railroad tracks.

STATUS: Sold, Nov. 1999.

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