Yu Huang

Mech Picture This mini has the dubious distinction of sitting on my workbench longer than any other project I've done. I put on the basecoat using a noxious airbrush metallizer back in 2004. George W Bush was President back then, Mechwarrior: Dark Ages was in full swing, and Classic Battletech was in the midst of a revival. It was also at this time that I was transitioning between a few painting styles, particularly for doing metallics. I couldn't figure out how to use the new techniques to finish this mini, so there it sat. When I moved to a new state a decade ago and unpacked my workbench, this guy was placed off to the side. It had been there so long I didn't even notice it any more. In 2017, it occurred to me that I could just finish the paint job the way I would have done it in 2003, and so I did (but with a little more fancy highlighting on the green than I would have done back then). So this mini is totally a time capsule from the early 2000's.

STATUS: Completed 07/2017.

Mech Picture "Capellan Crusher"
Yu Huang is a big, mean, tough assault mech for the Capellan Confederation. The paint job on this one is very highly detailed. This is a great mech for command use, or to add muscle to any unit.

STATUS: Sold, 07/2000.

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