The Blasphemer
Original sculpt
This Turkina once belonged to a Jade Falcon warrior. However, the warrior
was beaten in single combat by the Lyran Alliance's Lt. Stevens in his
VL-2T Vulcan. Rather than kill the Falcon warrior or destroy the mech, Stevens
forced his opponent's surrender, and sold him into service as a merchant's
assistant on Solaris. Since that time, Stevens has repainted the Turkina to
fit in his Lyran Guards unit, and has since destroyed countless clanners in
single combat. The right arm has kill markers for each Bloodnamed opponent.
At current count there are 7 Falcons and a Wolf. Each of the opponents that
survived was sold into non-combat, non-technical jobs in the Inner Sphere.
Completed 8/2002. I was gonna keep it, but I broke down and sold it 6/2003.