Marauder IIC

Here are the various sculpts of this mini: Related mechs include Marauder (heavy) and Marauder II (assault).

Mech Picture Reseen casting
This mini was heavily modified to represent the Marauder IIC-4 and is painted in the classic CBS Blood Guard Keshik scheme. It was part of the CSO diorama at Gencon 2011. It appears in the Alpha Strike rule book on pages 85 and 134.

STATUS: Completed 08/2011.

Mech Picture Reseen casting
This mini is painted in the scaled scheme of Clan Steel Viper's Beta Galaxy. It appears in Total Warfare on pp. 143, 260, 266.

STATUS: Completed 01/2006.

Mech Picture Reseen casting
This mech has been painted in a Clan Hell's Horses Gamma Galaxy paint scheme.

STATUS: Custom job, completed 12/2003.

Mech Picture Reseen casting
This is the reseen Marauder IIC. In my opinion, it is one of the very best reseens because is truly captures the spirit for the mech from which it was derived. The paint scheme is for Clan Diamond Sharks's Omega Galaxy, as described in FM:WC. Omega Galaxy has coral painted on the right leg, the height of which is determined by the number of kills. When I painted the coral, I was checking out my wife's salt water aquarium so on the right leg you can see antler coral, brain coral, frogspawn coral, and a bunch of rock-covering corals that I don't know what are. :)

STATUS: Completed and sold, Oct 2003.

Mech Picture Unseen casting
This mech has been painted in a Clan Ghost Bear cold-weather scheme.

STATUS: Custom job, completed 6/2003.

Mech Picture Unseen casting
This Marauder IIC has a custom blue / black / white Clan Coyote paint scheme and is part of a IIC Star.

STATUS: Custom job, 2001.

Mech Picture Unseen casting
Here is a Marauder IIC in the markings of Clan Goliath Scorpion's Tau Galaxy, as seen in the Warden Clans Field Manual.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered February 2001.

Mech Picture "Crater Dog"
Unseen casting
This mini is painted in my "crater camo" scheme, intended for use on a moonscape. The markings of Clan Wolf-in-Exile can be seen on the arms and torso.

STATUS: Sold, Jan. 2000.

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Last updated 20240812