Crockett / Katana

Here are the various sculpts of this mini:

Mech Picture KS sculpt
This Crockett is painted in a 44th Dieron Regulars scheme. This mini was painted for CSO Guide to Faction Paint Schemes: House Kurita.

STATUS: Completed 11/2021.

Mech Picture This mech was painted as part of a Battalion of House Kurita's 2nd Genyosha.

STATUS: Custom job, completed 5/2003.

Mech Picture The Katana is a Draconis Combine revival of the Star League mech Crockett. The two mechs look the same and share the same mini. This one is part of a unit that consists of the following 8 mechs: Avatar, Black Hawk Ku, Dragon, Dragon Fire, Katana, Maelstrom, Sentinel, and Sunder.

STATUS: Custom job, delivered April 2000.

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Last updated 20240818