There are several castings of the Blood Asp.
- The first is rather small and is based on the TRO art, 2000.
- The second is completely huge and is based on the MechCommander 2 art, 2004.
- The third is also large, but matches the original art; it was the basis for some variant sculpts, 2009.
- A variant is based on the 3rd sculpt but with a different loadout, 2011
- E variant is based on the 3rd sculpt but with a different loadout, 2011
E sculpt
This Bloodasp is painted in a CHH Alpha Keshik scheme. This mini was for the Camospecs diorama at Gencon 2022.STATUS: Completed 07/2022.
2009 casting
This Blood Asp is painted in the classic CBS Blood Guard scheme. It was part of the CSO diorama at Gencon 2011.STATUS: Completed 8/2011.
2000 casting
This Blood Asp is painted in the classic Clan Blood Spirit Tau Galaxy scheme.STATUS: Completed 3/2011.
Copyright ©Dave Fanjoy.
Last updated 20230406